


Latest V2Board panel construction airport tutorial, super detailed! Build an airport from scratch | Airport construction optimization plan, watch a video to complete the airport construction process, after watching, you can also easily build and experience the feeling of being an airport owner.

  1. Purchase a server.

  2. Parse the domain name and open the port. Cloudflare official website: [cloudflare.com]

firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=port number/tcp --permanent

This setup uses CentOS system. For Debian and Ubuntu systems, please refer to the official website for corresponding installation commands.

yum install -y wget && wget -O install.sh http://www.aapanel.com/script/install_6.0_en.sh && bash install.sh aapanel

Required installed plugins:
Nginx 1.17
MySQL 5.6
PHP 7.4
Panel settings:
Install Redis and fileinfo
aaPanel > App Store > Find PHP 7.4 and click on Setting > Install extensions > Install redis and fileinfo.
Remove prohibited functions
aaPanel > App Store > Find PHP 7.4 and click on Setting > Disabled functions. Remove putenv, proc_open, pcntl_alarm, and pcntl_signal from the list.
Add a website
aaPanel > Website > Add site
4. Install V2Board

aaPanel > Website > Click on the website root directory - delete the four files in the root directory
Four files: .htaccess, 404.html, index.html, .user.ini (delete this one twice)
Download V2Board project files
Click on Website - Click on the website root directory - Click on Remote download - Open [https://github.com/v2board/v2board/releases?page=1] - Find version 1.73 - Right-click to copy the link address - Paste it into URL address - Click Confirm - After the download is complete - Click Unzip - Then select all - Cut - Paste into the root directory
Go to the website root directory and execute the command to install the dependency package and V2board

sh init.sh
  1. Configure the website directory, rewrite rules, and SSL certificate

After adding, edit the added website > Site directory > Running directory, select /public and save.
After adding, edit the added website > URL rewrite, enter the rewrite information.

location /downloads {
location / {
    try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$query_string;
location ~ .*\.(js|css)?$
    expires      1h;
    error_log off;
    access_log /dev/null;

Apply for a security certificate
aaPanel > Website > Click on Conf > Click on SSL
5. Configure scheduled tasks

aaPanel > Cron
Select Shell Script in Type of Task
Fill in v2board (can be customized) in Name of Task
Select N Minutes 1 Minute in Period
Fill in php /www/wwwroot/path/artisan schedule in Script content
Add a scheduled task to run every 1 minute based on the above information.

  1. Start the queue service

aaPanel > App Store > Tools
Find Supervisor and install it. After installation, click on Settings > Add Daemon and fill in the following:
Fill in V2board (can be customized) in Name
Select www in Run User
Select the website directory in Run Dir
Fill in php artisan horizon in Start Command
Fill in 1 in Processes
Click Confirm to add and run.

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