


Easily build openvpn to achieve remote networking, openvpn encrypted transmission is more secure, intranet penetration, remote office, at home can access the company's computer through the local area network, super simple setup plan, using stable, low-latency domestic servers.

  1. SSH connection tool Finalshell: Click here to enter

  2. Allow ports or set firewall rules

  3. Download OpenVPN installation program, open source project address: Click here to enter

If there is a problem with the download link, you can download the project file from the open source project, upload it to the server, and then execute the following command

  1. Install OpenVPN (also use this command to add users)

Enter the domain name or press Enter directly - choose 2 (TCP) - set a port (it is recommended not to use the default port) - choose 1 - set a name - press Enter - press Enter again
Set OpenVPN to start at boot

  1. Various OpenVPN client downloads: [Click here to enter]

  2. OpenVPN file path: /etc/openvpn/server, if you need to change the configuration information, you can open server.conf to make changes

If you have changed the configuration, simply restart the server

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