


sspanel Mlio Panel Setup

Connect SSH to install the BT panel

  1. BT panel installation environment, recommended to use PHP 7.2, MySQL 5.6, Nginx 1.16
    Disable functions
    system, proc_open, proc_get_status, putenv, pcntl_signal

  2. Create a website in the BT panel and fill in the domain name and other information yourself

  3. Connect SSH to download the source code

cd /www/wwwroot/your-website-folder-name
  1. Use composer to install dependencies
wget https://getcomposer.org/installer -O composer.phar && php composer.phar && php composer.phar install
  1. Copy the configuration files
cp config/.config.example.php config/.config.php

cp config/.metron_setting.example.php config/.metron_setting.php

cp config/appprofile.example.php config/appprofile.php

Set .config.php and execute php xcat Tool initQQWry to download the IP parsing library

  1. Website settings

Open BT panel > Website > Your website

Uncheck Cross-Site Scripting in the Website Directory, select /public in the Running Directory, and click Save.
Enter the following content in the Pseudo-Static field, then save

location / {
try_files $uri /index.php$is_args$args;
  1. Execute in the website directory in SSH, give the website files 755 permissions
cd ../
chmod -R 755 your-folder-name/
chown -R www:www your-folder-name/
  1. Database operations

Initial migration: Import the sql/glzjin_all.sql file in the website directory

Change the theme column of all users in the user table to metron, execute this SQL statement using phpmyadmin:

UPDATE user SET theme='metron'

Create administrator account and other initialization work

cd /www/wwwroot/domain/
php xcat User createAdmin
php xcat User resetTraffic
php xcat SyncRadius syncusers
php xcat Tool initQQWry
php xcat Tool initdownload

Congratulations on the birth of another popular airport owner

Use the BT panel's scheduled task configuration

Daily task (required)
Task type: Shell script
Task name: Fill in yourself
Execution cycle: Every day at 0 hours and 0 minutes
Script content: php /www/wwwroot/your-website-directory/xcat Job DailyJob

Check task (required)
Task type: Shell script
Task name: Fill in yourself
Execution cycle: Every N minutes, 1 minute
Script content: php /www/wwwroot/your-website-directory/xcat Job CheckJob

User account-related tasks (required)
Task type: Shell script
Task name: Fill in yourself
Execution cycle: Every hour
Script content: php /www/wwwroot/your-website-directory/xcat Job UserJob

Check user membership level expiration task (required)
Task type: Shell script
Task name: Fill in yourself
Execution cycle: Every minute
Script content: php /www/wwwroot/your-website-directory/xcat Job CheckUserClassExpire

Check account expiration task (required)
Task type: Shell script
Task name: Fill in yourself
Execution cycle: Every hour
Script content: php /www/wwwroot/your-website-directory/xcat Job CheckUserExpire

Scheduled check of email queue (required)
Task type: Shell script
Task name: Fill in yourself
Execution cycle: Every N minutes, 1 minute
Script content: php /www/wwwroot/your-website-directory/xcat Job SendMail

Daily traffic report (send email to users who have enabled daily email)
Task type: Shell script
Task name: Fill in yourself
Execution cycle: Every day at 0 hours and 0 minutes
Script content: php /www/wwwroot/your-website-directory/xcat SendDiaryMail

Audit ban (recommended)
Task type: Shell script
Task name: Fill in yourself
Execution cycle: Every N minutes, 1 minute
Script content: php /www/wwwroot/your-website-directory/xcat DetectBan

Detect node blocking (optional)
Task type: Shell script
Task name: Fill in yourself
Execution cycle: Every N minutes, 1 minute
Script content: php /www/wwwroot/your-website-directory/xcat DetectGFW

Detect relay server (optional)
Task type: Shell script
Task name: Fill in yourself
Execution cycle: Every N minutes, 5 minutes
Script content: php /www/wwwroot/your-website-directory/xcat DetectTransfer

Radius (optional)
Task type: Shell script
Task name: Fill in yourself
Execution cycle: Every N minutes, 1 minute
Script content: php /www/wwwroot/your-website-directory/xcat SyncRadius synclogin

Task type: Shell script
Task name: Fill in yourself
Execution cycle: Every N minutes, 1 minute
Script content: php /www/wwwroot/your-website-directory/xcat SyncRadius syncvpn

Task type: Shell script
Task name: Fill in yourself
Execution cycle: Every N minutes, 1 minute
Script content: php /www/wwwroot/your-website-directory/xcat SyncRadius syncnas
Automatic backup (optional)

Full backup
Task type: Shell script
Task name: Fill in yourself
Execution cycle: Set it yourself, can be set to every 30 minutes or so
Script content: php /www/wwwroot/your-website-directory/xcat Backup full

Only backup core data
Task type: Shell script
Task name: Fill in yourself
Execution cycle: Set it yourself, can be set to every 30 minutes or so
Script content: php /www/wwwroot/your-website-directory/xcat Backup simple
Financial statements (optional)

Daily report
Task type: Shell script
Task name: Fill in yourself
Execution cycle: Every day at 0 hours and 0 minutes
Script content: php /www/wwwroot/your-website-directory/xcat FinanceMail day

Weekly report
Task type: Shell script
Task name: Fill in yourself
Execution cycle: Every Sunday at 0 hours and 0 minutes
Script content: php /www/wwwroot/your-website-directory/xcat FinanceMail week

Monthly report
Task type: Shell script
Task name: Fill in yourself
Execution cycle: Every 1st day of the month at 0 hours and 0 minutes
Script content: php /www/wwwroot/your-website-directory/xcat FinanceMail month

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