


Magic Cube Financial Professional Edition Setup Tutorial

Magic Cube Financial System Usage

*Magic Cube Financial System Supported Versions: <=3.6.3
First, you need to install the PHP extension. Depending on the PHP version used by the website, download the extension file (php7.2, php7.3, php7.4) and upload it to the php installation directory /lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-xxxx (xxxx is a string of numbers) folder.

Modify the PHP configuration file (php.ini) and add the following content, then restart the PHP process.


Use the official installation package for installation. When filling in the authorization code, randomly fill in a 32-character uppercase MD5 string, for example, it can be generated here. (If you have installed it before, you can skip this step) The official installation package has integrated some commonly used plugins, so there is no need to purchase them from the store.

After installation, the default is the professional version, and all functions of the professional version can be used.

If you upload third-party paid plugins or templates and are prompted that the plugin has not been purchased during use, you need to add the idcsmart.app configuration item to the PHP configuration file (php.ini) to configure the third-party plugin identifier. Multiple plugin identifiers are separated by commas, for example:


Restart the PHP process, go to the background system upgrade page, and click "Pull Authorization". You can then use paid third-party plugins or templates.

Magic Cube Cloud System Usage

Magic Cube Cloud System Supported Version: 3.7.8

Use the following command to install the Magic Cube Cloud System (if you have already installed the free version, skip to step 3):

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aazooo/zjmf/main/install-zjmf-cloud_new -O install-zjmf-cloud_new && chmod +x install-zjmf-cloud_new && ./install-zjmf-cloud_new

For servers in China, you can use the following command:

wget https://raw.fgit.cf/aazooo/zjmf/main/install-zjmf-cloud_new -O install-zjmf-cloud_new && chmod +x install-zjmf-cloud_new && ./install-zjmf-cloud_new

The above command is for installing the script in access mode. If you want Trunk mode, add -t at the end, and for the lightweight version, add -l at the end.

When filling in the authorization code, randomly fill in a 32-character uppercase MD5 string.

Enter the following command to complete the authorization:

echo -n "echo \"success\"" > /home/zjmf/dashboard/www/extend/other/extension
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aazooo/zjmf/main/other/check_main -O /home/zjmf/dashboard/www/extend/other/check_main
chmod +x /home/zjmf/dashboard/www/extend/other/extension
chmod +x /home/zjmf/dashboard/www/extend/other/check_main
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aazooo/zjmf/main/ext/cloud/3.7.6/idcsmart.so -O /usr/lib64/php/modules/idcsmart.so
echo "extension=idcsmart.so" >> /etc/php.d/40-idcsmart.ini
systemctl restart php-fpm

For servers in China, you can use the following command:

echo -n "echo \"success\"" > /home/zjmf/dashboard/www/extend/other/extension
wget https://raw.fgit.cf/aazooo/zjmf/main/other/check_main -O /home/zjmf/dashboard/www/extend/other/check_main
chmod +x /home/zjmf/dashboard/www/extend/other/extension
chmod +x /home/zjmf/dashboard/www/extend/other/check_main
wget https://raw.fgit.cf/aazooo/zjmf/main/ext/cloud/3.7.6/idcsmart.so -O /usr/lib64/php/modules/idcsmart.so
echo "extension=idcsmart.so" >> /etc/php.d/40-idcsmart.ini
systemctl restart php-fpm

The above commands need to be executed again for each subsequent update.

Self-built Authorization Interface Site (optional)

This part is optional. If the built-in authorization interface has unstable connections or other issues, you can choose to build your own.

Create a new website, upload the authorization interface source code, and configure the pseudo-static settings.

Add the idcsmart.url configuration item to the PHP configuration file (php.ini) and fill in the authorization interface address, for example:


Note that it must end with /. Then restart the PHP process to take effect.

Magic Cube Cloud HyperV Usage

Requires a self-built authorization interface site, bind the license7.idcsmart.com domain, and enable SSL (any domain certificate will do)
Configure the hosts file in the Windows system to point the license7.idcsmart.com domain to the IP address of the server mentioned earlier
Use the official installation program to install, and when filling in the authorization code, randomly fill in a 32-character uppercase MD5 string.

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.