


Official website for building a fully automated card issuing system for unicorn numbers | Video tutorial for building an automated vending system, easily building a website for virtual accounts, selling gift cards, and automatically delivering card passwords.

  1. Official Project:
  1. Choose CentOS 7.6 system, resolve the domain name and open the port.

  2. Install the Baota panel.

yum install -y wget && wget -O install.sh http://download.bt.cn/install/install_6.0.sh && sh install.sh ed8484bec
  1. Install necessary software: MySQL, Nginx, Redis, phpMyAdmin, PHP-7.4.

  2. Confirm PHP environment.

Click on "App Store" -> "PHP Settings" -> "Disabled Functions" and remove the following functions: putenv, proc_open, pcntl_signal, pcntl_alarm.

Click on "App Store" -> "PHP Settings" -> "Install Extensions" and install the following three extensions: fileinfo, redis, opcache (optional for performance enhancement).

After completing the settings, reload and restart the panel.

  1. Create a new website.

Click on "Add Site" -> Enter the resolved domain name -> Select the database -> Set the database name -> Click "Submit".

Apply for an SSL certificate and force enable HTTPS.

  1. Download and upload project code.

Project download link:


Upload the project code to the root directory of the website, and unzip it in the current directory. After unzipping, delete the compressed package, and then cut the files in the folder to the website.

  1. Set up rewrite rules and running directory.

Click on the settings behind the website -> Click to the website directory -> Select the unzipped folder, then save -> Select /public as the running directory, then save.

Click on rewrite rules, select "laravel5", then save.

  1. Start the installation.

Enter the resolved domain name in the browser and press enter to enter the installation process.

Fill in the website configuration information according to the actual situation, and click "Install" when finished.

  1. Login error, solution.

Admin login address#

ADMIN_HTTPS=true // Add this line of configuration

  1. Change password after logging in.

  2. After going live, be sure to set APP_DEBUG to false in the .env configuration.

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