


Building a TikTok live streaming line | Sharing ideas on building a TikTok live streaming line, achieving stable internet speed and IP through a relay server. The setup is also very simple, with high applicability and low learning curve.

  1. Building logical thinking:

Approach 1:
The direction of this approach is to reduce the probability of the landing machine being blocked and increase the stability of the IP. If the IP of the relay machine is blocked, simply replace the relay machine. The purpose of the relay is to improve the network speed and reduce latency (the speed improvement of the line follows the "barrel effect," which requires ensuring that each link of the line is relatively good in order to achieve a good user experience).

Approach 2: Using IPLC or IEPL dedicated lines, the characteristics of these two types of lines are as follows:
The line does not pass through the firewall (IP stability).
Low latency, guaranteed speed (stable speed).
Very high cost.
Cannot determine if it is a true dedicated line.

  1. Building a relay server

One-click installation of Docker

curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh
sudo sh get-docker.sh

One-click installation script for Aurora panel

bash <(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Aurora-Admin-Panel/deploy/main/install.sh)
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