


Telegram Lightweight Proxy Tool Deployment - Building MTProxy

Recently someone recommended a proxy software to me. After checking, I found that it is a proxy software specifically developed for Telegram. The proxy server restricts the client to only access Telegram's servers.

Compared to using other proxy software and configuring it to link to the local proxy software, this method is more convenient, especially for mobile users, as there is no need to start the proxy software every time Telegram is launched.

As for the features of this software, it probably has low resource usage, is easy to use, and has official support from Telegram (I don't know if it is developed by Telegram, but I guess not).

Moreover, in April of this year, Russia banned Telegram, and by the end of May, the first version of MTProxy was released. Considering the development time, it is likely that the ban in Russia prompted Telegram to create a dedicated proxy tool.

System Requirements

CentOS 7 / Debian 7+ / Ubuntu 14.04 +

Debian 7/8 x64 is recommended. This is the system I have been using, and my script has the lowest error rate on this system.

Note: Due to the low version of GCC in CentOS 6, compilation may fail (reporting an error). Please use a higher version of the system!

Script Version

Ver: 1.0.8

Installation Steps

Execute the code below to download and run the script:

wget -N --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ToyoDAdoubiBackup/doubi/master/mtproxy.sh && chmod +x mtproxy.sh && bash mtproxy.sh

Instructions for Use

Go to the directory where the script is downloaded and run the script:


Share Proxy Accounts and Promote Channels

MTProxy has an official bot that allows you to share MTProxy proxy accounts. However, if you only share without receiving anything in return, everyone will lack motivation. Therefore, the MTProxy bot allows you to share free accounts and promote channels. People who use the free accounts shared by your bot will see the promotion channel information in their chat list.

Bot: https://t.me/MTProxybot or @MTProxybot

Adding Proxy Accounts

When using the bot, you need to set up the MTProxy proxy first, and then add your proxy account to the bot as shown in the figure below:

/newproxy - Add a new proxy. - The bot asks you to tell it your proxy IP and port.
86193508cd50a0c050754feacc0b4804 - The bot asks you to tell it your proxy secret key.
(If your secret key starts with the "dd" character, manually remove it. You can add it back when sharing with others.)
Note: Please fill in your own proxy information here, do not add the same information as in the tutorial.

Then the bot will give you a unique TAG label, such as: ea5150cf06d21896ef08aaebd553569e

At this point, you run the script - 7. Set Account Configuration - 3. Modify TAG Configuration - enter the TAG label, and then the script will automatically restart the proxy server.

At this point, we have only added a proxy account and have not configured the promotion channel. Next, I will tell you how to configure it.

Configuring the Promotion Channel

/myproxies - View shared proxy accounts

The bot will list the proxy accounts you have added. Click on the account information you want to configure.

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